Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Taazakhabar: SINGLE POINT AGENDA: RIGHT TO CHEAT AND LOOT: Grossly illegal - but who cares when the offenders -- have official patronage? By Neeraj Mahajan If your son broke the neig...


Grossly illegal - but who cares when the offenders -- have official patronage?

By Neeraj Mahajan

If your son broke the neighbor’s window – can you walk away saying that you are not responsible and legally disown the son? In exactly the same way your department’s primary responsibility is not only to collect payment for the electricity consumed but to provide a better quality of service to the consumers. 

The much touted single point electricity distribution system is a flop—all kinds and shades of people are using it for unauthorized manipulations, illegal gratification, social discriminations, consumer rights violation and miscarriage of justice. It is a sort of license to cheat and loop – while the authorities conveniently keep their eyes closed. 

The power supply companies are happy to create an artificial third party interest between themselves and the actual users. The builders are happy because they get powers they don’t deserve or are not qualified to use. The only loser is the consumer. What is the locus-standi of these third party barrier? The builders are not authorized producers, distributers, transmitters, suppliers, legally licensed agents, specialist repair men or persons competent or capable to handle electrical faults and satisfactorily address consumer complaints.  

The illegal single point supply system is an illegitimate child of the UP supply code 2005 which goes against the spirit of Indian Electrify Act 2003 passed by the parliament of India. On the other hand UP supply code 2005 which has not been drafted or approved by the parliament or any legislative assembly – goes on to violate the right of millions of people in the entire NCR. Despite regularly paying for power supplied, they have lost the right to be called consumers because they don’t have a connection directly in their name as per the official records. It is illegal, unconstitutional and flagrant miscarriage of justice- a potential time bomb waiting to explode.

Are we waiting for another Jalainwallah bagh or major tragedies like Sidhartha Hotel, Ansal Bhawan or Uphar Cinema Fire? Catastrophes don't ask for permission before happening.